Monday, November 22, 2010

The Seeds We Sow

One of the most obscure advice I've ever heard about parenting is, ""try to look ahead and then look back". It only made perfect sense to me when I saw my children perched up on a tree last Saturday. One day, they will be full grown trees (looking ahead); what could I have done differently (looking back)? Our answers will be different. Every set of parents will have their own unique list according to values, personalities, and priorities. And no one is absolutely more right than the other. In fact, not the same list will be applicable to every child. I have two children, 20 months apart, one would think I easily flip through the same notes when I find myself in a fork when dealing with the boys. I do not. In fact I learned what I needed to know more about motherhood with my second child. And perhaps I might approach things differently if another baby were to come. What is true for all is, there is something we can do now. Not later. When the plant has grown sturdy and harder to tend. After all sowing comes first. And that's where we are. Always. No matter what stage and age our children are in. We are always sowing seeds (of truth, of love, of hope...). And them reaping. So what will you do differently that you can change now?

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.” Master Ooguay from the movie Kung Fu Panda

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