Monday, October 4, 2010


At breakfast my 3 year old son asked me why I put pixie dust on his cereal (referring to the flax seeds I generously dashed over his cheerios). I was tempted to say, so you can be like Peter Pan. But I didn't. First because I didn't want to address the questions that would follow (more like afraid really) and second because I didn't want to have to make things up. So I ended up doling the bitter truth-- that it wasn't pixie dust but mere mundane tiny little flaxseeds that will make him stronger (I could have added because it contains Omega 3,6 and 9 but then again, you just don't shoot info to a 3 year old if you are not armed). So it ended there. Stan happily ate his fortified morning meal assured of its health benefits. Or who knows? He was probably hoping, he could then fly.

What will you read about in this blog? There will be a mille fouille of family, culture, cuisine. A slice of life, a piece of heaven, a pinch of reality, at noon. It's surely won't be pixie dust, But still, I hope it can take you to Neverland...

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