Monday, October 11, 2010


In the Philippines, we refer to Ramen Noodles as simply, "noodles". Sometimes we call it Maggie (a popular brand name that makes ramen noodles), otherwise we say Lucky Me (its competing brand). Ramen is generally known to be from Japan of Chinese origin. Why they don't say it is from China, to make things simpler, I can't tell. Some say that it comes from the Chinese word "la mian", and that "ramen" is how the Japanese could best pronounce it. In Korea they say 라면 romanized as "ramen" but seems to be pronounced "ram-yon", perhaps from the word "le mien" in Cantonese that means "to stir" (the process of stirring the noodles with the sauce). 

Growing up in the Philippines I only know how to make it one way: throw everything in boiling water and serve. We are very straight forward like that when it comes to our noodles. What I missed though, is not getting the most nutrients from it except sodium overload. Living in South Korea for the past three years, well...besides acquiring the taste for kimchi, I learned how to dress up my old time favorite noodles. And I call it--

Maggie gets Lucky Recipe

Medium Onion
Green pumpkin

Sesame leaves
Chicken broth

Pack of Ramen noodles

-Boil water with chicken broth
-Toss noodles and chopped vegetables in. Simmer until cooked.
-Add the seasoning. If possible on half of the packet. Add soy sauce and sesame oil to taste. Top with dried sage and serve.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for this recipe!